Monday, June 24, 2013

Today's Tea Trivia

Use Tea to keep mosquitos away! This time of year we are all outside, and mosquitos are so annoying! Here's a natural way to keep them away:

Mosquitoes. Tea leaves are a natural means of keeping mosquitoes away. All you have to do is use slightly damp leaves to add the scent of tea to the areas you want to keep insect-free.

Did a little more research and green tea seems to work the best for people. And lemongrass is also a natural repellent. 

High Tea?

High tea was the Victorian working man’s last meal of the day. And early supper which allowed him to get to bed before dark. It also provided him with the sustenance needed to perform hard labor. A combination of hot dishes, chicken, game or ham served with salads, breads, cheeses and an endless assortment of cakes and condiments. This meal consisted of anything available in the pantry. For most, it was the bridge between a light lunch and a simple breakfast.
Afternoon tea, on the other hand was generally a custom for higher society whether that of the aristocracy or the prosperous middle and upper middle classes. A delicate affair, this meal was served in the late afternoon, long after lunch and several hours before dinner. It was appreciate as much for the company as for the meal.

From: Tea Time: Tradition, Presentation, and Recipes., Running Press 1992

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